Buy a gorilla permit and visit other parks in Uganda
Buy a gorilla permit and visit other parks this came through Uganda Wildlife Authority with an initiative to increase National Park visitation in the immediate term after the COVID-19 pandemic which has had a significant impact on the tourism industry in Uganda due to the resulting travel restrictions as well as a slump in demand among travelers.
The tourism industry has been massively affected by the spread of Coronavirus this paved a way to Uganda Wildlife Authority to come up with ideal ideas on how to promote Uganda tourism and as well to recover the industry. The authority introduced the immediate term including buy a gorilla permit and visit other parks as an initiative to recover the tourism industry through attract both Nationals and foreign Nationals when the international travel ban is lifted.BOOK NOW
The Uganda Wildlife Authority introduced these terms to all tourism stakeholders who buy gorilla permit to visitors they receive free entry for one day each to Mountain Elgon National Park and Toro Semuliki wildlife reserve. In their explanation, ‘’the visit should be carried out in one around visit across the country. This is effective immediately and runs till June 30th 2022’’.
The Authority together with the ministry of tourism came up with buy a gorilla permit and visit other parks as an immediate the term in order to promote incentives of supporting tourism recovery to Uganda wildlife authority protected areas.
The impact of the coronavirus is being felt throughout the entire tourism ecosystem, and reopening and rebuilding destinations will require a joined-up approach. Tourism businesses and workers are benefiting from economy-wide stimulus packages, with Uganda government also introducing tourism specific measures. Government and authority are focusing their efforts on tourists implementing the measures to contain the COVID 19 in the protected areas.
In the recently statement that released by the Uganda Wildlife Authority stated that all the savannah National Parks are open for tourism after standard operating procedures have been put in place to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in the protected areas.
All tourism activities within the protected areas shall be undertaken in a manner that ensures all guidelines of the Ministry of health and the directives of His Excellency the President are adhered to
The conservation agency said there will be mandatory temperature screenings of tourists at all the key gates of the protected areas. Hand sanitizing and social distancing will be adhered to in vehicles and boats in the parks.
Large groups exceeding 25 tourists shall not be permitted in the parks at the same time for the same activity, according to the UWA and among other measures