How long is a Gorilla Trek?
Gorilla trekking duration in Bwindi Forest National Park can entail from half an hour to up 5-hour trek through the forest, led by experienced trackers who have spent their entire lives living in or close to the forest.
Through your Gorilla trekking duration, you will be enchanting as you weave through overhanging vines, moss-covered Hagenia trees and giant Lobelias that thrive in the tropical climate. You may spot golden monkeys or see buffalo, bush duiker and a wide variety of bird life. But the high point, of course, one of the greatest wildlife experiences on earth, will be spending an hour with the gentle giant gorillas as they go about their daily life, feeding, playing, resting, and raising their young. BOOK NOW

Visitors on Gorilla Trek in Bwindi Forests
A good number of facts can explain how long will your gorilla trek last including, the speed of the trekkers or all visitors in a group call it the pace of movement towards the gorillas.
The weather of the day. On a gorilla trekking safari day you get to fast while in the jungle without rain but the speed of the trekkers is usually slow during heavy rains as the floor of the forest is all wet and muddy making it so hard to navigate through.
Location of the Gorillas that you are allocated to track. Usually, Gorillas keep moving from place to place and as you move towards them, they also keep moving especially looking for food and where to make new nests so the farther they are from your starting point the longer you will take on your Gorilla trek at a given time and should they be closer to the starting point, you are likely to spend less time on your Gorilla trek.
Walking difficulties, visitors that have walking difficulties tend to move slowly especially the elderly from 75 years above, visitors that have had knee operations, hip operations, ankle operations or any other operations that impacted negatively on their walking abilities find lots of difficulties in walking over the irregularly terrain in Bwindi Forest National Park. For such guest we recommend hiring gorilla trekking porter to assist them in making it to the Gorillas with ease.
Gorilla trek duration at a given day largely depends on the composition of the group members fitness and health conditions together with the movements of the gentle giants in the Forests.