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Where To Go Gorilla Trekking In 2023 Rwanda OR Uganda

Where to Go Gorilla Trekking in 2023 Rwanda OR Uganda

Gorilla trekking in 2023 can be done in Rwanda or Uganda. These two destinations are ideal for your perfect gorilla meeting. Start planning now and decide where you would love to go for gorilla trekking in 2023. BOOK NOW

The appetite from travelers to encounter the special primates all over the world continues st o increase with advance planning and securing of their gorilla permits for either tracking gorillas in Rwanda or Uganda. Both destinations will offer you the outstanding experience you expect from us.

In Rwanda, gorilla trekking happens in Volcanoes National Park. This borders the Democratic Republic of Congo in Rwanda, the Volcanoes National Park is best known as a sanctuary for the region’s rare mountain gorillas. Visitors flock here to experience a face-to-face encounter with these intriguing creatures. The park is set high on the jungle-covered slopes of the volcanic Virunga Mountains. Highly regulated treks through the reserve allow visitors to spend an hour at a time with these incredible primates in their natural habitat. While the gorillas are without a doubt the main drawcard, visitors can also look forward to exploring a network of scenic hiking trails, visiting the tomb of the world-famous Dian Fossey and the Karisoke Research Centre, and enjoying a beautiful day hike to the Crater Lake on Mount Bisoke. A gorilla trek permit in Rwanda is US$ 1,500 valid for a day per person.

Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park.  DOWNLOAD ITINERARY
This offers visitors the unique opportunity of discovering the 10 families of gorillas that live within the national park. Visitors can enjoy a cup of coffee before the trek starts and will be separated into groups of 8 depending on their physical abilities. Each group is guided by a guide and two scouts who are well-trained in emergency situations. The amount of time set aside per trek is different depending on where the gorilla family is situated. Some trips may take as little as half an hour and some take the better part of the day.

In Uganda, gorilla trekking happens in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is said to be Africa’s oldest rainforest. It is world-renowned for its excellent gorilla-sighting opportunities – the forest is home to half of the remaining mountain gorillas on earth. This gorilla experience takes place among a rugged landscape of dense jungle, cascading waterfalls, sparkling mountain streams, deep valleys, and steep ridges. The untouched forest has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its breath-taking natural beauty and unique ecological significance, and aside from the amazing gorilla interactions, there are other draw cards such as a network of forest walks, over 340 species of bird to spot, and a variety of brightly-colored butterflies to identify. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the spectacular Virunga Volcanoes, three of which are still active. A gorilla trek permit in Uganda is US$ 700 valid for a day per person.

Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. DOWNLOAD ITINERARY
Wake early for a hearty breakfast to give you the energy needed for gorilla trekking. Before 8:00 am, report to the ranger station for registration and a talk by one of the rangers. The guides will then take you through the bush, pushing your way through the undergrowth, to track the gorillas. (Please note this trek can take from 30 minutes to 5-6 hours). A reasonable degree of fitness is required, as well as a sturdy pair of walking shoes. Sit in the forest among the gorillas, listening to them ‘talk’ to one another, and marvel at the sheer size of the dominant male, the Silverback. It is an extraordinary feeling sitting in the dense rainforest knowing you are with a few of the last remaining mountain gorillas. It’s amazing to think there are only about 650 of these beautiful creatures left.

Speak to one of our Destination Specialists to help choose where you will be going for Gorilla trekking in 2023!

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